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7 Reasons Why American Women Are Moving to Mexico

What causes someone to move away from the country where they were born to a new and unfamiliar place? That was the question that prompted me to write my first book in 2019, Why We Left: An Anthology of American Women Expats. At that poin...

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Touring the artistic side of San Miguel de Allende

Bumping over cobblestone streets in a 25-year-old Jeep driven by Colleen Sorenson, founder of Street Art Tours, was my introduction to San Miguel de Allende, the colorful colonial-era city 6,000 feet above sea level in the state of Guanajua...

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A Serene Haven in Mexico’s San Miguel de Allende

Link to Actual Article: Imagine owning a beautiful luxury estate in one of the most envied international locations regarded as the best travel and leisure destination in ...

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