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Casa Mojica

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5 / 1
4,843 SF
450 M2
405 M2
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Casa Mojica

Property features

  • 2 Stories
  • Appliances included
  • Furniture negotiable
  • Garage
  • Garden terrace
  • Laundry Room
  • Outdoor kitchen
  • Patio
  • Rooftop terrace
  • Studio
  • Swimming Pool
  • Views
  • Walking distance to Centro

Casa Mojica 18
Probably the best property in the San Miguel Allende real estate market. New house, within a quiet Privada in an unbeatable location

Right in front of Parque Juárez, in the best area of ​​the city. Within 3 blocks from the Parroquia, which makes the perfect location of Casa Mojica 18 conveniently close to all the wonderful places in this city and advantageously private in high seasons

An impressive property with top of the line finishes to create spaces of luxury and comfort, high ceilings with wooden beams and generously proportioned areas. The house is all about indoor/outdoor living, which is the way of life in San Miguel de Allende.


Probablemente la mejor propiedad en el mercado inmobiliario de San Miguel Allende. Casa nueva, dentro de una tranquila privada en una inmejorable ubicación

Justo frente al Parque Juárez, en la mejor zona de la ciudad. A 3 cuadras de la parroquia, lo que hace que la perfecta ubicación de Casa Mojica 18 sea convenientemente cercana a todos los lugares maravillosos de esta ciudad y ventajosamente privada en temporadas altas

Una propiedad impresionante con acabados de lujo, techos altos con vigas de madera y espacios de proporciones generosas. La casa tiene que ver con la vida interior/exterior, que es la forma de vida en San Miguel de Allende.

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My Clients Say
I would like to thank you Alma
for your expertise in the purchase process of our property in San Miguel Allende. I really appreciated the fact that you always had the time to attend all our requests, the timeliness, and the detail of replies to the queries, the service, and attention to detail and input you provided in a prompt manner. If I knew it was that easy to buy a house, we would have done it sooner!
Silva Family

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    A San Miguel de Allende MLS Listing

    En conformidad a la Ley Mexicana, el precio de venta final será estipulada en pesos en la escritura respectiva del comprador, utilizando el tipo de cambio señalado en el Artículo 20 del Código Fiscal de la Federación y el artículo 8 de la Ley Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. (Tipo de cambio publicado por el Banco de México en el Diario Oficial de la Federación). Sin embargo, si Las Partes lo acuerdan el precio de venta podrá de ser liquidado en Dólares Americanos.

    In compliance with Mexican Law, the ultimate sale price will be specified in pesos within the buyer's corresponding deed, utilizing the exchange rate outlined in Article 20 of the Federal Tax Code and Article 8 of the Monetary Law of Mexico (as published by the Bank of Mexico in the Official Gazette of the Federation). Nevertheless, if the Parties mutually agree, the sale price may be paid in American Dollars.

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    Contact Us for More Info!

    Alma Cecilia Ramirez
    WhatsApp: +52.415.153.3598