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Lot Campanario

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611 M2
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Lot Campanario Opportunity in Los Frailes!

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This flat lot is a beautiful spot very close to presa Allende. There are very few lots in this area, so don’t miss your chance to build your dream home with spectacular sunset views.

Note-This home is offered at $2,300,000.00 Mexican pesos*, the USD price shown above may vary with exchange rate fluctuations.

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My Clients Say
…Carolina…anticipates potential concerns
and was always able to offer a variety of suitable solutions. Her organizational skills are outstanding, and when given a long list of needs, she was never overwhelmed or failed in addressing each request. I, with total confidence, would and have recommended her services
Cheryl Mack

I’m interested in #SMA5802, tell me more!

    A San Miguel de Allende MLS Listing

    En conformidad a la Ley Mexicana, el precio de venta final será estipulada en pesos en la escritura respectiva del comprador, utilizando el tipo de cambio señalado en el Artículo 20 del Código Fiscal de la Federación y el artículo 8 de la Ley Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. (Tipo de cambio publicado por el Banco de México en el Diario Oficial de la Federación). Sin embargo, si Las Partes lo acuerdan el precio de venta podrá de ser liquidado en Dólares Americanos.

    In compliance with Mexican Law, the ultimate sale price will be specified in pesos within the buyer's corresponding deed, utilizing the exchange rate outlined in Article 20 of the Federal Tax Code and Article 8 of the Monetary Law of Mexico (as published by the Bank of Mexico in the Official Gazette of the Federation). Nevertheless, if the Parties mutually agree, the sale price may be paid in American Dollars.

    Lot Campanario Marketing Videos

    Lot CampanarioListing SMA5802

    Contact Us for More Info!

    Carolina Echeverría
    WhatsApp: +52.415.103.3309