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Lot Estancia de Canal

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Lot Estancia de
Carretera a
1,000 M2
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Lot Estancia de Canal Great Investment/Development Opportunity very Close to Town

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Beautiful 1000m2 lot in Estancia del Canal. Frontage off main road and creek running behind.

Easy access to town and major highways.

Great investment to build a beautiful home or develop multiple homes for sale.

NOTE: The price of this listing is $1,078,000 MXN. The price in US dollars may vary according to the exchange rate.

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It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with Lisa
She truly listens to her client’s needs, is a great communicator and has impeccable follow through. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with her and highly recommend her. You will not be disappointed!
Jerry Williams

I’m interested in #SMA8433, tell me more!

    A San Miguel de Allende MLS Listing

    En conformidad a la Ley Mexicana, el precio de venta final será estipulada en pesos en la escritura respectiva del comprador, utilizando el tipo de cambio señalado en el Artículo 20 del Código Fiscal de la Federación y el artículo 8 de la Ley Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. (Tipo de cambio publicado por el Banco de México en el Diario Oficial de la Federación). Sin embargo, si Las Partes lo acuerdan el precio de venta podrá de ser liquidado en Dólares Americanos.

    In compliance with Mexican Law, the ultimate sale price will be specified in pesos within the buyer's corresponding deed, utilizing the exchange rate outlined in Article 20 of the Federal Tax Code and Article 8 of the Monetary Law of Mexico (as published by the Bank of Mexico in the Official Gazette of the Federation). Nevertheless, if the Parties mutually agree, the sale price may be paid in American Dollars.

    Lot Estancia de Canal Marketing Videos

    Lot Estancia de CanalListing SMA8433

    Contact Us for More Info!

    Lisa Babincsak
    WhatsApp: +52.415.200.5084