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As an American-owned franchise, we operate just like our sister offices in the U.S., meaning you can search all city-wide listings right here on this page! That means we offer one-stop shopping, no need to peruse other sites. You see, San Miguel now has a city-wide MLS, allowing each agency to upload the entire city’s inventory of listings to each agency web site and all agencies in San Miguel upload the MLS to their site. But none do it better than the world’s largest real estate brand globally! We perform the same upload, we just invest in special coding that allows the MLS to populate better on our web site—it’s more user friendly for you!

See the search bar below to hone-in on your tightest home-search parameters. Not sure what neighborhood is best for you? See our Neighborhoods page first to identify your top choices, then return here to choose your best options!

Questions? Click the “Tell Me More” button on any listing, we’ll get back to you that day with all the answers you need. Better yet, choose among our boutique agency’s roster of specialists and schedule a chat with your favorite Realtor—we’ll help you make the right decision. Your Dream Home is just a click away!


Yes, you could live on this street, voted by Architectural Digest as among the “Most Beautiful Streets in the World!”

property photo
My Clients Say

…You and Lucia went out of your way

to accommodate our first exploratory trip to San Miguel…the process of making an offer remotely was seamless, doing the last inspection of the property via FaceTime was extremely helpful. At closing time, the interactions with your team at the office was a pleasure as well…we are extremely thankful to you and your team.
Victor Gonzalez